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Family Counseling

One family came to see me because conflict between Dad and teens was tearing the family apart, with Mom caught in the middle.  It was impossible for the family to be together without yelling at one another. They loved one another but could not get past how each was hurting the other. Dad’s drinking and Mom’s protecting Dad (not wanting to “poke” the bear) were underlying problems. When these were addressed and Dad went into treatment, the family was in a better place to listen to one another and negotiate how to live at peace with each other.

Another family came to see me because Mom and Dad were recently divorced. Mom had primary custody of the children, ages primary school through high school, and wanted to help them through this transition.

All families have conflict but not all families are able to manage conflict in a healthy way.  There is no shame in seeking help from a skilled professional to help your family name the issues getting in the way of family peace. With guidance, your family can begin the hard work of really listening to one another, from youngest to oldest. You can create new family rules and restore family unity, purpose, and peace.

Issues to bring to counseling: Effective communication and problem-solving, family rules, boundaries, family chores, effective parenting, dating, school, friends/peer pressure, pornography, drug and alcohol use and abuse, divorce, blended families, domestic violence, trauma.